Circle Property Management apartments for rent Oak Park, Forest Park IL

Circle Property Management

421 S. Oak Park Ave - Oak Park, IL 60302

(Tel)708-725-3110 - (Fax)708-725-3113


Office Hours

Monday thru Friday

10 am to 4 pm

Common household pets, which include domesticated cats, rodents, fish and birds kept for tenant's pleasure are allowed.
Reptiles and/or venomous creatures of any kind are not allowed.
Dogs, except for service or ESA animals, are only allowed in specified buildings. Where allowed, dogs must be:
• Non aggressive breeds.
• Less than 50 pounds.
• No more than 25 inches tall.
All new pets must be disease-free and healthy. We require a veterinarian's letter that certifies that the pet has had all of its shots and is
currently healthy. All female dogs over the age of six months and all female cats over the age of five months must be spayed.
All male dogs over the age of eight months and all male cats over the age of ten months must be neutered. The pet shall be maintained and
properly licensed and inoculated as required by local, county or state statute, ordinance or health code. Tenants cannot take in animals from
friends, families, neighbors, the streets or other sources lacking certification. Tenants agree to take their pets in for a veterinarian visit
at least on an annual basis and to provide certification of such to Circle Property Management.
All pets must be caged or leashed at all times while out of the tenant's personal space and on Circle Property Management building commo
spaces which shall include but not limited to all stairwells, entrances, lobbies, court yards, laundry rooms, vestibules, lawns, roadways
and garages or while visiting in the apartment of another resident. Dogs must be muzzled at all times while in common areas.
Tenants are not allowed to leave pets unattended in common areas.
The tenant is required to enter and exit the building by means of the outside back stairwells with their dog.
Dogs must be specifically added to the tenant's renter's insurance policy, a current notarized copy of which must be posted with
Circle Property Management. Current payments of said policy must be registered with Circle Property Management.
Insurance homeowners must cover any damages or liability that the dog creates.
A pet security deposit must be paid for each dog equal to half of one month's rent on the Landlord’s approval of a dog or dogs.
Circle Property Management reserves the right to apply the Pet Deposit in the same manner that the security deposit can be applied.
The tenant must have a letter from the attending physician including: date of diagnosis, condition and estimated length of treatment.
Also, the type of animal must be included.
Circle Property Management apartments for rent

* Prices and avalaibility are subject to change.